Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pretence, The Art of Happiness

' Fake It To Make It'

Long title for a short story (lol)
Thinking of it; It's so true.

I don't think there is need for any researched stats for this one.. You can see it everywhere; so evident that it has become a part of dealing with everyday life. So much that if you don't embrace this one with a smile then you would be typecasted. And what's even more challenging is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else. And precisely it is a challenge or a problem I am currently facing.

So, what do you do??

Hmmm... A very good question for myself...
Well what can I do but Njoy watching it all around; in all the different ways things are being demonstrated and rise to the challenge rather than letting it get you down.


  1. Long title for a short story...but the search for an answer to your question is going to be endless.

    anyways...this is good stuff...You're inspiring me to start writing.

  2. Nice.. I will look forward to your blog.
